Ocupaciones humanas a cielo abierto de finales del Holoceno medio y comienzos del Holoceno tardío en el valle de San Antonio de los Cobres, puna de Salta

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Hernán Juan Muscio


The San Antonio de los Cobres Valley located in the puna region of the Province of Salta, Argentina, has open- air archaeological record in stratigraphic contexts dated since late Mid-Holocene to early Late-Holocene. This paper presents the information obtained from the excavation of these sites and discusses its implications on the knowledge of the hunter-gatherers adaptations occupying this region during the range 5000-3500 years BP. This evidence supports a dynamic of increasing economic niche intensifi cation, accompanied by the increase in population size, with a strategy of low residential mobility a highly heterogeneous space use and a highly habitat selectivity. This process, towards the early Late Holocene increased, favoring the investment in architectural structures and probably the adoption of new technologies such as pottery, in a context of reduced residential mobility and with an economic niche based on hunting, with a greater diversity of hunting technologies and, probably, with herding practices.


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How to Cite
Muscio, H. J. (2011). Ocupaciones humanas a cielo abierto de finales del Holoceno medio y comienzos del Holoceno tardío en el valle de San Antonio de los Cobres, puna de Salta. Comechingonia. Revista De Arqueología, 15(1), 171–190. https://doi.org/10.37603/2250.7728.v15.n1.17956