Materialidad arqueológica, práctica científica y activación patrimonial en la cuenca del Choapa, IV Región, Chile

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Patricia Salatino
Diego Artigas


In this article we analyze the symbolic relation between Choapa habitants and archaeological materiality, trying to understand it as part of the historical processes that characterized the province. This analysis is based on the dialog we could establish with the inhabitants of Césped and Los Perales in Illapel Valley and from Zapallar and San Agustín in Chalinga Valley; as well as from the principal cities of each valley, Illapel and Salamanca, respectively. We also analyze our intervention in the heritage activation processes. We conclude that these processes are based on heritage discourses constructed upon different kinds of cultural capital and just as long as the local community knowledge get involved, a spontaneous appropriation of heritage can be achieved, increasing the social benefi ts of archaeological material.


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How to Cite
Salatino, P., & Artigas, D. (2011). Materialidad arqueológica, práctica científica y activación patrimonial en la cuenca del Choapa, IV Región, Chile. Comechingonia. Revista De Arqueología, 15(1), 139–154.