Modalidades espaciales y formas rituales. Los paisajes rupestres de El Alto-Ancasti

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Marcos N. Quesada
Lucas Gheco


In this paper we defi ne different spatial logics in the social construction of the rupestrian environments of the Hillands of El Alto-Ancasti. To do this we conducted a comparative analysis of ten archaeological sites. Our methodology considers the idea that one of the fundamental dimensions of rock art is the visual and that this defi nes the spatial estructure around it. We defi ne four types of spacial modalities considering the possibilities of visibility, aggregation of people and body movements that allow the cave environments, among other elements of analysis. We interpret two of these modalities as scenes of ritual forms and explore the individual limits and scope of the defi nition of these spacial logics in terms of the tension between the general and the particular rock art at different scales of analysis.


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How to Cite
Quesada, M. N., & Gheco, L. (2011). Modalidades espaciales y formas rituales. Los paisajes rupestres de El Alto-Ancasti. Comechingonia. Revista De Arqueología, 15(1), 17–37.