Comechingonia is open to proposals for thematic dossiers -theoretical, methodological, chronologically, materially or spatially related, etc.-. 

The application for a dossier should consist of a justification of no more than two pages in length in which the importance of the subject to be dealt with is developed, the guest editors of the dossier and their institutional affiliation should be indicated (it is suggested that in the case of two or more editors, they should not share affiliation or academic unit).

The proposal should be sent by e-mail to:, and an image or figure should be included to facilitate its dissemination. The acceptance or rejection of the dossiers is made by the Editorial Committee of the journal.

The dossier will consist of a minimum of four and a maximum of ten papers, preceded by an original introductory study by the guest editors.

Guest editors may participate as authors in the dossiers. In all cases, these papers will be evaluated double-blind and their review will be in charge of Comechingonia's editorial committee.

Dossier evaluations are coordinated by the guest editors; however, Comechingonia will request the list of reviewers to control possible conflicts of interest.

The dossiers are managed through the journal's OJS system, to facilitate the control of the entire editorial process.

The articles in dossiers have the same formal, editorial and review requirements - double blind peer review - as the papers submitted in the journal's open and regular calls for papers.