Mobility in infants of hunter-gatherer groups in the Patagonian region
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The aim of this paper is to make visible the different types of child mobility and the archaeological implications derived from the decisions involved in child rearing in hunter-gatherer groups in the Patagonian region. It is based on the articulation between ethnohistoric and ethnographic sources with different lines of evidence such as bioarchaeology and clinical studies. To this end, an exhaustive analysis of different primary documentary sources and ethnographic information from both the Patagonian region and other areas of the world was carried out. This allowed us to generate a diagram, with archaeological implications and expectations, of the different stages of mobility, carrying, cradle technologies (for move and permanence) and the activity of crawling, as a transfer practice during the first years of life. We consider that the elaboration of specific archaeological questions for the non-adult human segment allows for a more holistic understanding of their social organization, a fundamental aspect for the archaeological knowledge of hunter-gatherer groups.
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