Social Practices and Quarry Landscapes. An Approach from the Etnoarchaeology and Archaeology of the Context of Lithic Procurement

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Mariano Colombo
Federico Bobillo


The management of lithic resources is a central activity in the reproduction of the social life in many past societies. In the context of these operations, individuals and groups developed actions, values and attitudes based on their technological habits, cultural patterns and symbolic representations, closely linked to the landscape they inhabited and its natural resources. The aim of this paper is approaching to the social practices related to the rock procurement and the social landscapes, that make up indigenous quarries. For this, first of all, we realized a bibliographic review about different ethnoarchaeological cases that document different activities and practices related to the rock procurement. Then, in relation with some of these data, we analyzed the archaeological landscapes and the material record of two quarry areas located in the center-East of Tandilia hills (Buenos Aires, Argentina) and Antofagasta de la Sierra (Catamarca, Argentina).

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Social Practices and Quarry Landscapes. An Approach from the Etnoarchaeology and Archaeology of the Context of Lithic Procurement. (2024). Comechingonia. Revista De Arqueología, 28(2), 77-104.
Dossier "Canteras y fuentes de rocas"

How to Cite

Social Practices and Quarry Landscapes. An Approach from the Etnoarchaeology and Archaeology of the Context of Lithic Procurement. (2024). Comechingonia. Revista De Arqueología, 28(2), 77-104.



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