Beyond Fishtails Points: Techno-Morphological and Functional Studies of the Amigo Oeste Site (Somuncurá, Argentina)
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The Amigo Oeste (AW) site concentrates the largest record of Fishtail Points (FTP) in Patagonia, diagnostic artifacts of early settlement in America during the Pleistocene-Holocene transition. While FTPs make up 40 % of recovered instruments, other formatted artifacts are part of the site. In this work, the possible activities developed in the site are analyzed, based on the techno-morphological and morphological-functional analysis of the rest of the formatted artifacts. A variety of typological groups was recognized, where the set of bifaces, scrapers and scrapers are found mostly represented. At the functional level, a low degree of integrity and little functional variability were recognized. These results allow us to sustain that the AW site would have functioned not only as an FTP re-equipment site, but also where other activities would have been carried out, such as the preparation of shafts and the production of shafts, activities mainly oriented to the preparation and conditioning of hunting equipment.
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