The contribution of impact studies to the archeology of the Villavil ravine (Andalgalá Department, Catamarca, Argentina)
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We present the characteristics of the archaeological contexts from the Villavil ravine (Andalgalá department, Catamarca) that were registered, documented, excavated and analyzed during archaeological impact studies related, on the one hand, to a change in the layout of the Minera Alumbrera Ltd. pipeline and, on the other, to the annual archaeological monitoring carried out within the framework of its environmental policy. The characteristics of the reported funerary contexts, their radiometric dates and the bioarchaeological, isotopic and technological analyzes of the associated material contribute to the construction of the cultural past of the societies of the first millennium and to delineate changes and continuities in practices in the sphere of life and death with respect to the late period and the Inca societies. The results refer to the occupation of the ravine since the first century of the era, with direct burial practices for adults and urn burial for infants. Individuals of reproductive age have balanced diets, good general health, and intense use of the body for daily activities.
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