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This paper shows the first advances in isotopic studies of cultivated plants for the micro region of Antofagasta de la Sierra. They were performed within a research project interested in assessing the evolution of Zea mays consumption since its introduction in diet until the Spanish contact. The aim of this paper is oriented to understand the effects of fertilizers and irrigation practices in δ13C and δ15N values of cultivated plants with different photosynthetic pathways. In order to do this, we have harvested specimens from family farms located at different altitudes within the microregion. The collection was accompanied by an interview with the owners of the fields detailing not only the steps that comprise the production, but the destination of the crops. This study have allowed to generate new hypotheses about the importance of plant as a component of the Puna´s diets and how they could have become relevant during periods of increased agricultural intensification and extensification. Our results point to a wide range of δ15N values in maize, with markedly enriched specimens, being coherent with those values seen in human tissues from Puna.
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