Temporal Variation in the Resources Structure at an Argentine Humid Chaco Region Site
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The first zooarchaeological investigations in the region of Chaco allow to clarify the main aspects of human subsistence during the late Holocene. In these pioneering contributions, the faunal remains were analyzed considering each archaeological site as representative of a singleoccupation. However, a subsequent analysis of pottery assemblages following numeric multivariate techniques, proposed the existence of more than one occupation in some of the sites. With this information, two clusterwere selected in a particular site (El Cachapé Potrero IVB), radiocarbon dating were made and the results were 1680±100 and 820±70 14C years BP. Based on the new information, it was decided to review the archaeofauna remains in order to corroborate the existence of temporal variation in the resources structure. For this, we perform the anatomical and taxonomic determination of the remains, the taphonomic analysis and the quantification of the taxonomic abundance of the sample in the form of NISP, %NISP and MNI, and Richness, Diversity, Equitativity and relative abundance index. These results allow us to generate new useful information to complement and adjust the model of resources exploitation in order to the variation over time of the human occupations of the Chaco riverside.
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