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This paper presents the results derived from the reconstruction of forms and the analysis of use-alteration traces of vessels associated with the human burials of the archeological site Los Tres Cerros 1 (LTC1). LTC1 is a mound structure of anthropic origin, known regionally as "cerrito", which was inhabited by groups of hunters, gatherers, fishers and small scale horticulturalists between circa 1227 and 560 years BP. Two sectors were identified on the site: the top of the mound where different activities related to the occupation of the structure were developed, and a núcleo de inhumación of human burials on the eastern side of the mound, at the intersection with the plain. With the aims of reconstructing the artifacts originally handled by potters and identifying the role played by the pottery in funerary contexts, reassamblies were performed and distribution patterns of the marks produced by the use of containers were recorded. These studies were complemented with the analysis of the biosiliceous particles adhered to the walls of the vessels as recognized proxies in the regional archaeological literature for the establishment of manufacture strategies and use of the vessels. The integration of the results of these lines of evidence allowed us to infer that the vessels were used in domestic activities (cooking and food service), but in the last moments of their life histories they acquired a funerary function, given that they were deposited and fragmented in association with human burials.
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