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In the Lower Uruguay River (Entre Ríos Province, Argentina), the high-resolution archaeological studies on the origin and evolution of earth mounds (locally called “cerritos”) are very recent. In this context, the aim of this article is to present and discuss the results of the geoarchaeological and chronological studies developed in the Cerros de Boari archaeological locality, characterized by three mounds: Cerro de Boari 1, 2 and 3, linked to the Gualeguaychú River. The stratigraphic sequence of the mounds allowed identifying two depositational systems with distinguishable textural and compositional characters. A natural system of fluvial deposition that generated the ridge, constituted by sandy mud deposits, sandy silt to sandy and archaeologically sterile; and another system of anthropic origin and evolution constituted by a succession of slightly gravelly sandy mud deposits with high content of organic matter and archaeological vestiges. The chronological results obtained for the basal deposits of the anthropic depositational system allowed recognizing that in the Cerros de Boari locality, the earth architecture destined to domestic and ritual activities dates back approximately 2000 years BP, constituting one of the earliest records in the Northeast of Argentina.
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