Mobility and diet in the valley of El Mauro (31° 57’ S. - 71° 01’ W.), semiarid north of chile, between 8350-929 cal. ap.
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The valley of El Mauro is located 40 km from the Pacific Ocean (1000 masl) in the southern end of the Semiarid North of Chile. In order to contribute to the knowledge about the prehispanic mobility and diet in the valley, the radiocarbon and isotopes of strontium (??Sr/??Sr), oxygen (?¹?O), nitrogen (?¹?N) and carbon (? 13C) of 21 individuals and one multiple burial were analyzed. The results indicate the sporadic arrival of individuals of coastal origin/habitat between 8350-3000 cal. BP. After 3000 cal. BP the burials become frequent and only locals individuals were interred them. From 2000 cal. BP and to 900 cal. BP, the burials are still frequent, and also composed by local individuals. During the entire temporal sequence (8350-929 cal. AP) the diet was composed mainly of terrestrial/local resources. Meat from terrestrial origin was part of the diet until ca. 2000 cal. BP. Then, two groups were identified: one that maintained diets incorporating meat and other practically vegetarian. In the entire temporal sequence, the consumption of mainly C3 plants is observed, but after ca. 2000 cal. BP the incorporation of C4 or CAM plants in the group with vegetarian diet is observed.
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