Work of art by Vicente Girardi Callafa

About the Journal

About Cardinalis

CARDINALIS is a biannual electronic publication with national and international arbitration. Contributions refer to articles, academic contributions, reviews and conversations. The call is open to productions coming from Geography as well as from other Social and Environmental Sciences, which can update, enrich and deepen the knowledge on processes and problems that are approached from a spatial and/or territorial dimension.

The aim is to generate in each edition a space for critical thinking, dialogue and reflection on spatial, political, cultural, socio-territorial and environmental processes.

Current Issue

No. 21 (2023): Año XI N°21. 2°Semestre 2023. Revista Cardinalis
40 años de democracia nos llaman a seguir luchando colectivamente. La obra de Vicente Girardi Callafa nos convoca a hacer memoria, a movilizarnos y adentrarnos a lo colectivo, en defensa de los Derechos Humanos, los bienes comunes, el buen vivir y contra las violencias. Al igual que las diversas luchas de la Argentina actual y las de los últimos 40 años.

This scientific journal is from a national, free and publicly managed university. Today more than ever we defend public education and support as part of our work the democratization of knowledge and the circulation of plural voices and ways of doing research and creating experiences from disciplinary fields and in co-production of knowledge with other people. .

In the 40 years of Democracy, we recognize in the mobilizations that happen in the streets and squares, in the nights of banging pots and pans, in the chants and in the waved flags, that fire in defense of democracy, in the face of everything that we want to prohibit. and in the face of the dismantling of citizen rights and guarantees.
From our place in the educational, scientific and extension fields, we consider it crucial to defend the rights achieved, circulate and share the tools we have as a field of knowledge to fight against the exercises of violence, the expansion of impoverishment, the ways in which They expand the margins for the submission and environmental and territorial destruction that is being caused.
We invite you to circulate the issue of the magazine, to read and recover in various spaces the articles and each of the contributions present and, above all, to share both here and in other open access magazines your works, reflections and constructions .
Before the individuality, the collective!
Editorial team of Cardinalis Magazine

Published: 2024-01-01
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Incorporada en Directorio Latindex (en proceso para evaluación en Catálogo Latindex 2.0). Forma parte de la Base de Datos MIAR de la Universitat de Barcelona, del Portal Malena y BINPAR pertenecientes al Centro Argentino de Información Científica y Tecnológica (CAICYT-CONICET/Argentina). Se encuentra en Sherpa Romeo y, de LatinREV (Red Latinoamericana de Revistas Académicas en Ciencias Sociales y Humanidades, de FLACSO, Argentina).