Open Mount proyect. An ode to Crafts



Crafts, Design, Heritage, Sociosemiotic, Discourse


In this paper we analyze the Open Mount project, which represented Argentina at the third London Design Biennale with the
purpose of knowing the relationships established between Crafts, Design and Art. We analyze the installation from the Semiotic
perspective (Peirce) as a dynamic sign that acquires different levels of meaning. And from the socio-semiotic perspective (Verón 1993) as a significant configuration that contains traces that account for its production conditions and its effects. Open Monte was designed by Cristián Mohaded with the purpose of putting design in dialogue with craftsmanship, making the craftsmanship of Lorenzo Reyes visible. The raw material of this installation is the "simbol", a weed that grows naturally in the mountains of Catamarca. Our hypothesis is that the design constitutes a device destined to value the craft through aestheticization operations.


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Author Biography

Amalia Soledad Martínez, Universidad Nacional de Córdoba

Magister en Comunicación y Cultura Contemporánea (CEA.UNC) Especialista en Ciencias Sociales con orientación en Gestión de Instituciones educativas (FLACSO) Profesora ordinaria de la Facultad de Artes de la UNC desde 2014. Miembro de la Comisión Asesora de Patrimonio de la Municipalidad de Córdoba por la Facultad de Artes UNC. Miembro del a Comisión evaluadora de Proyectos de Investigación SeCyT UNC.


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How to Cite

Martínez, A. S. (2023). Open Mount proyect. An ode to Crafts. Avances, (32), 221–236. Retrieved from





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