The technical and material order as Amerindian indices in the aesthetics of public spaces



Visualities, Amerindians, Index, Materiality, Public spaces


The present work seeks to point out milestones of connection between images and materialities linked to the Andean Amerindian
(re)presentation systems with material manifestations, visualities and artistic practices located in the public space of the Güemes
neighborhood in Córdoba, from 2015 to 2019. These links an arc of long historical projection and within the framework of the conditions of recognition by cultural agents in the context of study will be appreciated. These connections are intended to be appreciated from a relational dimension that allows us to understand the sign systems in their permeable capacity, contextualized in a local framework that enables their own variations, syntax and meaning. In this framework, the symbolic capacity of images and artistic manifestations is the key that allows dimensioning the flow of “adaptability” –potential and latent– that they possess (Escobar, 2021). In addition, along these lines, the present reflections consider in their interpretations what was proposed by Ruiz & Triquell (2017) who are based on the material existence of all images and their great effectiveness in the dispute over the imposition of meanings when conceived as indices, understanding to these in their particular relationship with reality from the point of view of their effects and reception.


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Author Biography

Natalia Estarellas, Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas

Lic. en Escultura (IUNA/UNC). Especialista en Procesos y Prácticas de Producción Artística Contemporánea. Doctoranda en Artes orientación visuales (UNC). Becaria doctoral CONICET. Prof. Asistente en Escultura I (2019-2022) y Prof. Ayudante A en Historia del Arte Argentino y Latinoamericano y Prof. Asistente en Introducción a la Historia de las Artes. Extensionista, artista visual, platera y activista. Diplomada en Estudios de Hegemonía, Geopolítica y Comunicación. Desde 2012 ha integrado diferentes equipos de investigación en artes subsidiados por SECyT UNC.


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How to Cite

Estarellas, N. (2023). The technical and material order as Amerindian indices in the aesthetics of public spaces. Avances, (32), 79–97. Retrieved from


