What else could we talk about? Artistic events that break out in emergencies


  • María José Melendo Universidad Nacional del Comahue / Universidad Nacional de Río Negro


Contemporary art, Event, Archive, Critic, Memory


This work aims to address the notion of “event” as a concept for thinking about the way certain practices of contemporary art are, that exacerbate the idea of ​​experience as a way of production and access to artistic manifestations. 

It will be analyzed the political scope of a series of artistic event in the public space that are proposed as actions in context that account for the need to make emergencies visible. The corpus resorts to the projection of words and images to enhance evanescence, situationality, and giving space to the here and now on the Latin American scene from the reference to a selection of projections by the Argentine photographer Gabriel Orge and the Chilean group Delight Lab. Likewise, these proposals draw a relationship with the past and resort to the idea of ​​archive as a platform that allows to design projects that articulate the dimensions of temporality while exhibiting dissent and the urgency of installing certain images that appear with forceful spectrality —immune to indifference— they challenge passersby as if saying: “What else could we talk about?”. 


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How to Cite

Melendo, M. J. (2021). What else could we talk about? Artistic events that break out in emergencies . Avances, (30). Retrieved from https://revistas.unc.edu.ar/index.php/avances/article/view/33502


