How theater reaches the publics which do not go to the theater. The role of Córdoba itinerant theater in the creation of new audiences



Itinerant theatre, Access to arte, New audiences, Field, Fringe


In this paper, we propose addressing the issue of studying the experience of new audiences, diving into the conditions of performing arts reception. For this, we raise the following questions: How are the initiation experiences of performing arts for the new publics in Córdoba? What are the reception conditions and contexts? We will characterize Cordoba Itinerant Theater, taking it as the field where the game of the performing arts circulation towards the new publics takes place. As a methodological approach, we will use the Field Theory by Pierre Bourdieu to autotomize a field as an object of study. We will question its autonomy process and its bond with external spheres. We will try to recognize the interests that define its game, focusing especially on specificity of the dispositions and practices that differentiate the agents of this field from agents of similar or wider fields, as Cordoba independent theater. Finally, we will analyze its relation with the State, as the product of a historical construction linked to the consolidation of the democratic values and therefore of the democratization of access to art.


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Author Biography

  • Ximena Silbert, Universidad Nacional de Córdoba

    Licenciada en Teatro por la Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Posgrado en Gestión de la FCE de la UNC. Doctoranda en Artes con beca SeCyT-UNC. Actriz, gestora y productora escénica. Organiza ciclos y festivales para infancias. Desarrolla programas de Formación de Nuevos Públicos. Docente Adscripta del Departamento de Teatro de la UNC. Docente de nivel secundario.


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How to Cite

How theater reaches the publics which do not go to the theater. The role of Córdoba itinerant theater in the creation of new audiences. (2023). Avances, 32, 291-309.