Archaeology of art. The imaginary and the real in rock art
rock art, imaginary, reality, theory, symbolical wallsAbstract
Rock art constitutes a universe of images that continues having a disturbing character for the archaeological research. Its study is not independent from the epistemologic-cultural horizons that have developed since it was discovered and admitted its genuineness. This paper examines reflectively different aspects of its problematic nature. Rock art supposes the importance of bear, colour and texture, administration of light and shadow, perceptive frames that offer the diaclasas and drip of water. The walls symbolize and give an imaginary; do not «sustain» only. The signs in the rock go back «marks» or registrations in which the real-objective disappears; construct a real new (dreams, fantasies, disclosures). Its real character is decided by officiant like part of a process of truth. Rock art has a no normative «quality» in the dimension of it variations and, therefore, it is anticultural.Downloads
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