Food consumption in Tolombón and Angastaco (Salta, Argentina): fatty residues contribution




Fatty residues, Ceramics, Chromatography, Mass spectrometry, Domestic and political economy, Inka period


During the Inka period, the populations from the Calchaquí valleys engaged in economies where the production, distribution, and consumption of goods occurred on both family and community levels, and within the larger framework of an imperial political economy, in which activities and services were subordinated to a hierarchical social integration in a previously non-existent structure. This differential participation can be evidenced through various material remains and may be observed at multiple scales. We argue that the preparation and consumption of food and drink materialize different types of social relationships and provide a valuable line of evidence for examining the two spheres of economic participation. In this paper, we carry out an initial exploration of this issue by studying organic residues preserved in six ceramic vessels from the archaeological sites of Tolombón, Pukará, and Tambo de Angastaco (Salta, Argentina) employing gas chromatography coupled with mass spectrometry. Additionally, 22 current food species from the study area were analyzed to create a more accurate comparative reference collection than those currently available. The results suggest different uses for the ceramic morphological types analyzed in the contexts of domestic and state-scale food practices in these settlements.


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How to Cite

Food consumption in Tolombón and Angastaco (Salta, Argentina): fatty residues contribution. (2024). Revista Del Museo De Antropología, 17(2), 17-28.

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