A guane archaeological heritage: a strategy to bring the museum to young people
Culture, Heritage, Social Appropriation, Apprehension, GuaneAbstract
The appropriation of a culture by the society that succeeds it develops identity and creates a sense of belonging to its origins, in addition to forging its characteristic features linked to customs, beliefs and traditions. In the department of Santander, Colombia inhabited the guanes indigenous people who abandoned their legacy, remnants of culture contained in archaeological pieces that are found under institutions of the department. This collection presents a great responsibility when guarding them, but even more so, when it comes to disseminating and opening them up to the community. The interest of this research lies in determining appropriate mechanisms to bring representative cultural samples of a region to the young population, using digital and analog tools of the artifacts traditionally contained in museums and galleries for their appropriation, applied to the case study of the Ethnological, Archaeological and Historical Museum UDES. The strategy is validated through the development of creation workshops and a pilot test with a population sample, 170 high school students from the Promoción Social Norte school, where a 71.8% lack of knowledge towards the guanes was initially evidenced, achieving positive results through a trivia-type video game. and the interaction with the strategy.
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