"Sprayed Childhoods": Violence, Care, and Future in Areas Affected by Agrochemicals in the Province of Buenos Aires (Argentina)
“Polluted childhoods", Socio-environmental conflicts, Agribusiness, Slow violence, CareAbstract
Since the 2000s, the consolidation of agribusiness has triggered social conflict and an epistemic dispute regarding the health, environmental, and political consequences of this model. The impact on children's health has been one of the effects of this model, simultaneously serving as a key catalyst for its politicization. Indeed, the native category of "sprayed childhoods" and children’s rights are gaining prominence in socio-environmental conflicts, forming part of the struggle strategies, particularly through legal actions. In this context, this article proposes to analyze the social and everyday dimensions of growing up, caring, and living in territories threatened by increasing toxicity, paying attention to the intersections between violence and care, and the multiple temporalities in which they unfold. The analysis emerges from an exploratory stage of fieldwork, involving conversations and in-depth interviews with three women "affected" by agrochemicals in different localities of the Province of Buenos Aires (Argentina), participant observation in meetings of sprayed communities, and the collection and analysis of technical reports and press materials.
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