Working on a bicycle is complicated.” Rider/Delivery identities in Argentina, Spain and Uruguay
Platforms, Work sociology, Food and nutrition security, Identity Repertoires, PrecariousnessAbstract
This paper presents a comparative case study between Spanish and Rio de la Plata cities in relation to the discourses and practices of workers in various food delivery companies. The scenarios for the same have to do with meeting and waiting points of the riders and the main objective is to analyze their narratives, their relationship with the configuration of heterogeneous forms of socio-labor identity and how all this operates in an urban, mobile, itinerant, conflictive and precarious field of work. It is a fieldwork that began in 2021 in the Spanish cities of Coruña and Murcia, and in Mar del Plata (Argentina) and Montevideo (Uruguay), carrying out observation, semi-structured interviews and surveys. The main results include a reflection on the identities that have to do, on the one hand, with individualism and on the other with the companionship relationships found in the field; an explanation of the aesthetic and technological repercussions that condition the entry and (re)production to/from labor dynamics; and a reflection around processes of insecurity that impact on the subjectivities of delivery workers. In the final part we address a reading in relation to the meaning of this “rider identity”, already advanced in other contexts under the figure of “Homo Rider”.
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