“Applause for the winner”. Production of performances in elections of Reinas Drag Queen and Miss Leather in the city of Córdoba (Argentina)
Performances, Elections, Nights, Gender, CorporealityAbstract
This paper brings together two ethnographic investigations concerned with the production of socio-festive performances in the city of Córdoba. One of the researches analyses the circuits of drag queen art world and practices of transformism, while the other one asks about the production of consensus among BDSM practitioners. We found a point of dialogue between the two empirical universes in a set of events called elections, where a group of candidates applied to be evaluated by a jury and were judged the winners. From this crossroads, we asked ourselves about the relations between gender, corporeality and performance that intersected these festive and competitive nights. In order to do so, we first looked at some works that considered the effects that beauty contests and competitions produced in the social universes where they were organized, and then recovered our own ethnographic experiences from these debates. Considering the place that these performances occupied in those worlds and in the subjectivity of their participants, we asked ourselves: what was exhibited and judged in these events, and what were the effects produced by these instances as social performances?
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