In pursuit of an agreement on basic aspects for the taphonomic study of lithic assemblages


  • Catalina Balirán Facultad de Filosofía y Letras – Universidad de Buenos Aires. CABA, Argentina



Archaeology, Taphonomy, Lithic, Formation Processes, Experimentation


In recent years the application of taphonomy to the study of the lithic archaeological record has increased and it proved to be a significant contribution to the understanding of past human behavior. Within this context, the present paper synthesize a four-stage proposal for taphonomic studies focused on the lithic record: 1) definition of the research problem which includes the identification of: the specific research question, the archaeological context, the taphonomic agents and the scales of analysis, among others; 2) analysis of lithic samples and the definition of new hypotheses; 3) testing of hypotheses; and 4) interpretation. Also, the role of experimentation as a key actualistic element for the development of taphonomic approach is emphasized.


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Study of formation processes in lithic assemblages

How to Cite

Balirán, C. (2020). In pursuit of an agreement on basic aspects for the taphonomic study of lithic assemblages. Revista Del Museo De Antropología, 13(1), 371-378.

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