An approach to the distribution of blade production in southern Patagonia
blade production, lithic raw materials, intensity of use, spatial distribution, southern continental PatagoniaAbstract
A first approach to the distribution of the laminar production manufactured on shale at the south of Baguales ranges (southern continental Patagonia, between Argentina and Chile) is presented. Although blades are characteristic of the northwestern area to the Pali Aike volcanic field population node (Última Esperanza in Chile, and the zone surrouding sierra Baguales in Argentina, La Verdadera Argentina, and sectors further south -Eas. Santa Ana, Cancha Carrera-), they are also recorded less frequently towards the southeast area, which includes the Pali Aike volcanic field and spaces close to it. The results indicate that several potential sources of shale allow explaining the distribution of laminar instruments in the northwestern area. In the southeastern area, the presence of laminar instruments could be a product of large-scale circulation mechanisms of humans and goods, or due to the use of other raw materials from nearby sources that have not been identified yet.
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