
  • R. Tafani Universidad Nacional de Río Cuarto
  • G. Chiesa Universidad Nacional de Río Cuarto
  • R. Caminati Universidad Nacional de Río Cuarto
  • N. Gaspio Universidad Nacional de Río Cuarto



capitalism, public health, private health


One of the problems of the health area is its conceptualization. The sector is presented as fragmented and lacking coordination. The money cycle in the circulation of capital lets us understand that there is integration of capitals taking place under the valorization law. Health care schemes appear as an indirect method of payment making the added value incorporated by health care services. Public hospitals are integrated to private capital in the stage of buying production means, they transfer added value as implicit subsidies when seeing patients with medical insurance and form and incomplete cycle of money which hinders recovery causing deterioration and under-usage of public capital. In this work we try to create doubts about the perspective of fragmentation which sets out the lack of articulation among the sub-sectors. The authors state there is integration between public and private health in conditions of subordination of the public to the logic of the valuation of capital. They do not set out a dichotomy, but integration oriented towards the achievement of added value of building, drug and chemical companies among others


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Author Biographies

  • R. Tafani, Universidad Nacional de Río Cuarto
    Ph.D Social Sciences; Profesor Titular del Dto. de Economía. FCE.UNR
  • G. Chiesa, Universidad Nacional de Río Cuarto
    Lic. En Ciencias Políticas. Docente del Dto. de Economía. FCE.UNRC
  • R. Caminati, Universidad Nacional de Río Cuarto
    Lic en Administración de Empresas. Docente del Dto. de Administración. FCE. UNRC
  • N. Gaspio, Universidad Nacional de Río Cuarto

    Doctora en Bioquímica


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Scientific Articles

How to Cite

THE LOGICS OF CAPITAL AND PUBLIC HEALTH. Rev. Salud Pública (Córdoba) [Internet]. 2016 Apr. 15 [cited 2024 Dec. 19];20(1):25-37. Available from: