A tour of probability distributions


  • María Laura Nores FAMAF - Universidad Nacional de Córdoba




discrete random variable, continuous random variable, density, independence


Random variables have a probability distribution that under certain circumstances is given in terms of a known expression. Many times this formula is easily deduced from the context in which the random variable arises, while at other times it is not so clear. In this article, we seek to take a further step in understanding the most well-known probability distributions, trying to get deep into the motivation that gives them origin and in the deduction of their expression, also highlighting existing relationships between some distributions. In this way, the work contributes to provide elements to discern when it is reasonable to assume a certain distribution for a random variable under consideration.


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Artículos de Matemática

How to Cite

Nores, M.L. 2021. A tour of probability distributions. Revista de Educación Matemática. 36, 2 (Jul. 2021), 7–43. DOI:https://doi.org/10.33044/revem.30460.