"Un-walk the everyday" at the Museum of Anthropology (FFyH-UNC) in the Museum Night 2020
museums, night, pandemic, educational proposal, documentationAbstract
In this work we want to narrate, systematize and interpret the anthropological intervention carried out in the educational proposal "Un-walk the everyday. Tell us about your experiences in the pandemic.” We built it for the "Night of the Museums" in the City of Córdoba (Argentina), which took place on November 20, 2020, and had the motto "Museums for diversity. Dialogues from virtuality” It was planned from the Education Area of the Museum of Anthropology of the Faculty of Philosophy and Humanities (FFyH-UNC). As anthropologists we found ourselves being fellow citizens of the world that we wanted to document and learn about, and we were equally affected by the pandemic caused by the COVID19 virus as the visitors. So how to create an activity for the Night of Museums in the midst of preventive social isolation that involved the active participation of visitors mediated by "screens"? How to generate a meeting space to tell what we were experiencing? How to achieve the different, the special trait that this event has in virtuality?
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