Transparency as a Critical Factor in the Educational Uses of AI
artificial intelligenceAbstract
This paper examines the importance of transparency in the use of generative artificial intelligence (GAI) in education, highlighting its ethical and pedagogical value. Based on research on the implementation of GAI in instructional design, it explores the impact of these resources as teaching assistants. It proposes that, just as students are expected to disclose their use of GAI in their work, educators should also acknowledge their use of these tools when preparing lessons.
The article reviews the AIAS scale by Perkins et al. (2024) and its adaptation by De Haro (2024), which grades levels of AI use in evaluation contexts. Building on these references, the EIADD scale is developed to adapt the grading to describe the level of AI intervention in instructional design.
Finally, the paper emphasizes the need to promote a transparent and critical use of GAI, stressing that its implementation can influence educational processes, affecting not only cognitive aspects but also social, emotional, and ethical dimensions.
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Copyright (c) 2024 Graciela Caldeiro , Valeria Odetti
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