Towards a reconfiguration of educational settings? Possibilities and challenges for university education in times of (post) pandemic
university education; post pandemic; virtual environments; educational materialsAbstract
In order to contribute to the debate on teaching practices in higher education, this article proposes some reflections that arise from the technical and pedagogical support provided in recent years by the Educational Technology Area of the Faculty of Social Sciences (UNC). In this sense, a brief description is provided here of some of the actions carried out during the mandatory the pandemic in the years 2020 and 2021, in order to analyze and reinterpret them in light of the present. In this way, taking into account what has been experienced and learned, the aim is to identify challenges, limitations, and potentialities in the current educational settings.
To achieve this, the work is organized around three aspects that, in our view, can and should be problematized: 1) the role of virtual classrooms in face-to-face education; 2) the role of teachers in the selection and production of digital educational materials; and finally, 3) the role assigned to students in educational proposals that incorporate digital environments and technologies.
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