Activities in Communicative English: a Perspective from Bloom’s Revised Taxonomy Applied to the Flipped Classroom Model


  • Marcela Rivarola Universidad Nacional de San Luis, Argentina
  • Cecilia Aguirre Céliz Universidad Nacional de San Luis, Argentina
  • María Belén Domínguez Universidad Nacional de San Luis, Argentina
  • Mario Germán Pérez Riesco Universidad Nacional de Villa Mercedes, Argentina


Communicative English, flipped classroom, cognitive processes, engineering courses


This paper presents a partial analysis of the subject Communicative English being taught for the Engineering courses at the Faculty of Engineering and Agronomical Sciences at the National University of San Luis. This elective course was given as a pilot test in the second term of the year 2021. The subject is benefited from the blended learning method, following the Flipped Classroom Model proposed by Fidalgo-Blanco, Sein-Echaluce and García-Peñalvo (2020) and it was, in turn, designed with the aim of complying with the wide range of cognitive processes covered in Bloom’s Revised Taxonomy applied to the Flipped Classroom model. The objective of this paper is to observe and categorise the activities carried out to teach this course both in an e-learning environment, through the learning platform Moodle, and with a traditional classroom-based approach. The achieved results will be helpful to reflect on the strengths and weaknesses and, thus, identify the improvements to be sought in the future.


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Innovation and Experiences

How to Cite

Activities in Communicative English: a Perspective from Bloom’s Revised Taxonomy Applied to the Flipped Classroom Model. (2024). Virtuality, Education and Science, 14(27), 51-61.