Conceptual changes in physics teaching: developing understanding center of gravity




Physics teaching, Cognitive model, Gravity center, Didactic strategy


This article presents a didactic strategy, formed by a set of activities at increasing levels of complexity, designed for the development of the concept of center of gravity, based on Piaget and Garcia's cognitive model for conceptual changes. The bases that underlie this construction are composed of the dialectical triads of the stages: intra, inter and trans-object. This teaching model enables students to develop increasingly comprehensive concepts, breaking paradigms and expanding their ability to observe, compare and transform knowledge. The method was applied in physics classes with 2nd year high school students. During the application, the evolution of the concept of balance point was examined, in its differentiation with the center of gravity, as an indicator capable of pointing out the students' ways of understanding. The results indicate the potential of balancing and unbalancing processes, based on uncertainty shared among students and between them and the teacher, as an essential element in building the concept of center of gravity in a meaningful way.


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How to Cite

Feu Teixeira Santiago, T., & Dias Menezes, P. H. (2023). Conceptual changes in physics teaching: developing understanding center of gravity. Journal of Physics Teaching, 35(2), 179–199.



Teaching Narratives