Oversimplifications in advanced learning: the case of electromagnetic induction


  • Elena Hoyos Universidad Nacional de Salta. Facultad Cs. Exactas
  • M. Cecilia Pocoví Universidad Nacional de Salta. Facultad de Ingeniería


Advanced learning, Electromagnetic induction, Oversimplifications


This work identifies some special features of advanced learning in areas of knowledge that are conceptually complex, such as the study of electromagnetic induction. The selected methodology corresponds to a case study in which the sample is made up of advanced (sophomore and senior) students at the Department of Exact Sciences and the Department of Engineering in a state university in Argentina. The paper and pencil solving of a proposed problem with time dependent components that interact among each other is analyzed together with oral post interviews. The results suggest that when these students analyze the posed electromagnetic induction problem, they tend to reduce its complexity by treating related components as independent, presenting incomplete explanations, and treating the variables involved in the analysis of electromagnetic induction as independent of time. These characteristics correspond to oversimplifications that are typical of advanced learning


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How to Cite

Hoyos, E., & Pocoví, M. C. (2023). Oversimplifications in advanced learning: the case of electromagnetic induction. Journal of Physics Teaching, 35, 175–181. Retrieved from https://revistas.unc.edu.ar/index.php/revistaEF/article/view/43305