Analysis of architecture students' conceptions of heat and temperature


  • Javier Bergamini Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Facultad de Arquitectura y Urbanismo
  • Marta Yanitelli Universidad Nacional de Rosario. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas, Ingeniería y Agrimensura


Didactic sequence, Exploration activity, Architecture, Alternative conceptions, Heat and temperature


The results obtained from the analysis of the answers to a questionnaire elaborated to survey the conceptions about temperature, heat and heat transfer mechanisms of Architecture students of the UNLP are presented. The questionnaire constitutes the initial exploration activity of a didactic sequence for the teaching of the mentioned topics. According to the information to be obtained, a descriptive methodology with a qualitative approach was adopted in this research. We sought to interpret the way in which students subjectively perceive their reality and the meanings they give to different situations of their daily life and the course they are studying. From the analysis carried out, similarities were detected with research by different authors referring to the conceptions of heat and temperature, but also particularities resulting from the students' own career


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How to Cite

Bergamini, J., & Yanitelli, M. (2023). Analysis of architecture students’ conceptions of heat and temperature. Journal of Physics Teaching, 35, 29–36. Retrieved from