Physics Teaching and Citizen Science in the understanding of climate change through the study of the flow of a stream in the Atlantic Forest




Physics Teaching, Citizen Science, BNCC, High School, Climate


Studies on a global scale point out that climate change is a reality to be faced. Current data reveal a change in hydrological variable measures in biomes, such as the Atlantic Forest. These studies reveal trends in accentuated changes in the pattern of periods of droughts and floods, with the consequent disappearance of ecosystems. In this context, a workshop was set up to encourage high school students to reflect on climate change based on concepts from Physics, Mathematics and Natural Sciences, with a focus on the articulation between thinking and doing, with the reference of Citizen Science and the Base National Common Curriculum. Based on research data collection procedures developed at INMA - Instituto Nacional da Mata Atlântica, students engaged in the presented proposal. The workshop was held both in the classroom and in a biodiversity hotspot in the Atlantic Forest, the Museum of Biology Prof. Mello Leitão (MBML), INMA's headquarters, in Santa Teresa, State of Espírito Santo and was attended by 118 students from 6 classes of the 1st grade of high school at EEEFM José Pinto Coelho who collected data to calculate the flow of the Stream São Pedro that passes through the park of the Museum and behind the school. After the activities, the results revealed that students have difficulties in performing basic math calculations, arithmetic average, equations e unit conversion. In relation to climate change, it was possible to observe that the students presented a basic knowledge on the subject.


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How to Cite

Camilo de Jesus , T. A., Cafofo Silva , E. G., & Ferracioli, L. (2023). Physics Teaching and Citizen Science in the understanding of climate change through the study of the flow of a stream in the Atlantic Forest. Journal of Physics Teaching, 35(1), 39–52.