Treatment of cross-cutting aspects related to energy in university physics textbooks


  • Claudia Mariela Zang
  • Norah Silvana Giacosa


Textbooks, Physics, University, Energy


The results of the analysis of the transversal aspects of energy in a purposive sample of ten textbooks of university Physics are shown. These books are frequently used in the basic cycle of the scientific-technological careers in Argentina. The content analysis technique was used to investigate if the texts expose the advantages of energy treatment, the epistemological status of the concepts involved, the issues related to the revolution that brought about the integration of mechanics and thermodynamics under the unifying concept of energy, the historical aspects and finally, the relationships between science, technology and society. We detected that, in most of the analysed texts, these aspects are superficially approached, which could influence the image that readers could form about science.



How to Cite

Zang, C. M. ., & Giacosa, N. S. . (2022). Treatment of cross-cutting aspects related to energy in university physics textbooks. Journal of Physics Teaching, 34, 371–379. Retrieved from



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