Semiotic registers in argumentative contexts for the understanding of mechanical work


  • Edwin Mosquera Lozano
  • Ignacio Idoyaga
  • Germán Londoño Villamil


Argumentation, Semiotic registers, Mechanical work


Physics didactics faces the challenge of meeting the demands of the sustainable development goals due to the negative attitudes and
emotions that many students experience in the learning process. Therefore, the study of a semiotic alternative is shown in an
argumentative context that offers the possibility of analyzing the changes in the levels of understanding about mechanical work in
average students (15 to 16 years old). According to the results, the proposed alternative complies with Duval's point of view because
it uses semiotic registers to analyze the effects of learning processes and not as causes of lack of understanding.



How to Cite

Mosquera Lozano, E., Idoyaga, I., & Londoño Villamil, G. (2022). Semiotic registers in argumentative contexts for the understanding of mechanical work. Journal of Physics Teaching, 34, 241–247. Retrieved from



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