Interstellar and the Miller planet: introducing the concept of gravitational differential force




Differential gravitational force, Tidal force, Gravitational pull


In this work we analyze the formation of giant waves on the planet Miller, described in the science fiction film Interstellar. This planet orbits a supermassive black hole called Gargantua, and is subject to an enormous gravitational pull, which causes gigantic tidal forces. From the concept of gravitational potential, an expression was derived to determine the height of waves due to tidal force on the planet Miller. In this article, we discuss the possibility of the existence of this planet under the conditions proposed in the film and suggest some possibilities for teaching concepts and physical phenomena present in this fragment of the analyzed scene.


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How to Cite

Henriques Longaresi, R., Silva Cornélio , D., Freire de Almeida, L. A., & Dias Campos , S. (2022). Interstellar and the Miller planet: introducing the concept of gravitational differential force. Journal of Physics Teaching, 34(2), 83–96.



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