Treatment of energy conservation in university physics textbooks




Textbooks, Physics, University, Energy conservation


A sample of ten Physics textbooks that are used in introductory Physics courses of careers linked to exact and experimental sciences, offered in Argentine universities, was inspected; in order to characterize the treatment given to energy conservation. The content analysis technique was used to investigate whether in the texts the conservation of energy is presented as a physical law or as a theorem that is proved by appealing to the work and kinetic energy theorem, also to characterize the way in which it is stated. said law and the meaning given to it. It was found that the conservation of energy is mostly established from the theorem of work and kinetic energy, it is stated in a positive way and conceived as both a constant of movement and an invariant of the universe.


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How to Cite

Zang, C., & Giacosa, N. (2022). Treatment of energy conservation in university physics textbooks. Journal of Physics Teaching, 34(2), 19–31.