An experimental didactic proposal applied to the Electricity unit in a scientific high school in Costa Rica


  • Eduardo Arias Facultad Escuela de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales, Cátedra de Física, Universidad Nacional Estatal a Distancia (UNED), San Pedro de Montes de Oca, CP 474-2050, San José, Costa Rica.



Pandemic, Electricity, Virtual and remote laboratories, Physics teaching


This article presents the results obtained when applying the design of an experimental didactic proposal to the Electricity unit study in
a Costa Rican scientific high school. Quantitative research was conducted with a quasi-experimental design using a conceptual test
adapted from the American Association of Teachers of Applied Physics as a pre-test and post-test to measure the Hake Conceptual
Gain Model, the Bao and Redish Concentration Factor, and a hypothesis test using the Student's T-Test. The results obtained through
this design brought about noteworthy and significant changes in the teaching-learning process of this educational system and will serve
as vital input for the Diversified Education at a national level at the same time. Finally, it is also expected that this study will give rise to
other educational purposes in other areas of knowledge.


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How to Cite

Arias, E. . (2021). An experimental didactic proposal applied to the Electricity unit in a scientific high school in Costa Rica. Journal of Physics Teaching, 33(2), 55–62.



Investigación en Enseñanza de la Física