Our teaching practices in a pandemic time


  • Javier Martín
  • Edgardo A. Gutiérrez
  • Juan Cruz Bigliani
  • Rubén Rocchietti


University teachers; COVID-19 pandemic; Quarantine; Virtual classes


The present work is the result of the analysis of the responses made in an electronic questionnaire by teachers from the Basic Sciences area of the FCEFyN of the UNC, in relation to the abrupt transition from face-to-face classes to the virtual class format which they had to experience in full context of pandemic and quarantine by the COVID-19, having to resort to the use of various technological resources, which were unknown to many teachers and with varied implications. This new normality forced teach-ers to urgently search for efficient and reliable virtual forms for their academic work. The results show a rapid adoption of dif-ferent technological tools and resources to give continuity to educational training activities.



How to Cite

Martín, J., Gutiérrez, E. A., Bigliani, J. C., & Rocchietti, R. (2020). Our teaching practices in a pandemic time. Journal of Physics Teaching, 32, 233–240. Retrieved from https://revistas.unc.edu.ar/index.php/revistaEF/article/view/30999



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