The sef-efficacy beliefs and the school performance of students of Physics: construction and validation of an analytical instrument


  • Diego Marceli Rocha
  • Elio Carlos Ricardo



Self-efficacy beliefs, Physics teaching, Questionnaire validation


In the educational field the investigations on the role of the self-efficacy beliefs in the behavior of teachers and students are growing every year. Our goal was to elaborate a Likert scale questionnaire to measure students' levels of self-efficacy regarding their school performance in the discipline of Physics. The questionnaire was submitted to evaluation of three expert Professors in Educational Research. In addition, the results obtained were statistically tested, obtaining a Cronbach Alpha index of 0,881. Finally, using the Tau de Kendall correlation test, we found positive relationships between the self-efficacy beliefs of students and the time devoted to the study of the discipline as well their school performance. The test demonstrated negative rela-tionships between the self-efficacy beliefs, the age of students and their school level. After all the validation stage of the instrument, we can conclude that the questionnaire shows evidence of validity.


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How to Cite

Rocha, D. M., & Ricardo, E. C. (2019). The sef-efficacy beliefs and the school performance of students of Physics: construction and validation of an analytical instrument. Journal of Physics Teaching, 31(1), 37–54.