Implementation of Peer Instruction in General Physics courses: systematization of an experience in the Technological Institute of Costa Rica


  • Natalia Murillo-Quirós
  • Mónica Hernández-Campos



Active learning, Peer instruction results, Physics teaching


One of the biggest challenges that science teachers face is that students understand the subject they explain in class. It is common to hear in conversations among teachers about how their students fail in a test on very similar question, or even the same, to the one that have been discussing in class. Due to this widespread concern people have questioned the effectiveness of traditional teaching methods (lectures), and instead have proposed different active learning methodologies in which the traditional role of both teacher and student is transformed. In this context, the Peer Instruction (PI) technique has been shown to be practical and easily adaptable to the reality of different courses, for which it was adopted by some General Physics teachers at the Instituto Tecnológico de Costa Rica (TEC).This paper will present the way in which the Peer Instruction technique was used for “Physics I”, a university introductory course for engineering and architecture students, and we will show some quantitative and qualitative results obtained during its application.


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How to Cite

Murillo-Quirós, N., & Hernández-Campos, M. (2018). Implementation of Peer Instruction in General Physics courses: systematization of an experience in the Technological Institute of Costa Rica. Journal of Physics Teaching, 30(2), 49–58.