The con/formation of physics professors in Argentina: a historical journey that challenges the present


  • María Virginia Luna



Secondary education in physics, Teacher training, Rationalities in teaching


We share results of a research about the historical conformation of the secondary physics professor subject in Argentina. By a journey through different moments and practices of teacher training / qualification, deep dis-placements produced in the discourses of teaching physics will be identified. Also the position that the figure of the teacher was taking in the midst of those changes will be stated. In the key of a genealogical perspective in educational research, the study queries how specific ways of doing and thinking physics teaching and teacher figure could be composed. For this, some concrete crossings of diverse spaces and actors will be described (state policies, local scientific community, intergovernmental organisms, teacher training institutions) in whose plot they were forging demands and knowledge to the secondary physics teacher. These results will be recovered in order to present some reflections on the current challenges for teacher training and secondary schooling.


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How to Cite

Luna, M. V. (2018). The con/formation of physics professors in Argentina: a historical journey that challenges the present. Journal of Physics Teaching, 30(2), 23–29.