Working on argumentation in freshmen courses in Engineering careers


  • Adriana Fernández
  • Jorge Vicario
  • Fabián Venier
  • Rita Amieva


Argumentation, Physics, Engineering.


A didactic experience developed in a physics course in engineering careers is described. The purpose was to incorporate activities in which language played a role in the reflection, debate and communication of the contents worked. The value of the arguments made by student’s groups to questions about the movement of bodies is analyzed. The results demonstrate the need to revise the learning consignments and provide more guidance to students so that their arguments consider relevant evidence (justification), take into account the audience (persuasion) and consider opposing or alternative arguments (perspectivism).



How to Cite

Fernández, A., Vicario, J., Venier, F., & Amieva, R. (2017). Working on argumentation in freshmen courses in Engineering careers. Journal of Physics Teaching, 29, 315–322. Retrieved from