Text comprehension: understanding the concept of force


  • M. Cecilia Pocoví
  • Estela M. Alurralde
  • Elena Hoyos


Concept, Reading comprehension, Comprehension fostering activities.


The results of two experiments that were designed and tested with university physics students are presented. In the first one, the effects of two factors on text comprehension is studied: the quantity of linguistic translations (Alexander y Jetton, 2000) included in the text and the previous exposure to formal Physics instruction. The results show that there are no statistical differences between groups in any of the considered factors. In the second experiment, the effects of Comprehension Fostering Activities (CFA) (Brown y otros, 2004) were studied. The results indicate that learning from a text that is rich in linguistic translations combined with the CFA produces statistically better results than those obtained after learning from a control text (poor in linguistic translations).



How to Cite

Pocoví, M. C., Alurralde, E. M., & Hoyos, E. (2017). Text comprehension: understanding the concept of force. Journal of Physics Teaching, 29, 35–46. Retrieved from https://revistas.unc.edu.ar/index.php/revistaEF/article/view/18444