Aproximación a las ideas de los estudiantes en torno al concepto de espacio vacío


  • Joan Josep Solaz Potrolés I.E.S. "Camp de Túria" de Llíria 1 C. A. en Valencia de la U.N.E.D.


In this article we report our findings about the ideas sustained a sample of students (from 7th E.G.B. grade to C.O.U. in the Spanish Education, 12 to 18 years old) on the concept of vacuum. Data were obtained by administration of a questionary of multiple choice. The results shows that pupils have difficulties in conceptualizing empty space idea. Moreover, these difficulties persist even after instruction and parallel in way remarkable the historical development of scientific concepts.



How to Cite

Solaz Potrolés, J. J. (2016). Aproximación a las ideas de los estudiantes en torno al concepto de espacio vacío. Journal of Physics Teaching, 13(1), 23–34. Retrieved from https://revistas.unc.edu.ar/index.php/revistaEF/article/view/16054


