Information For Authors

General author guidelines

Educational Research 

Before preparing your manuscript, please download the following template PLANTILLA CON EL FORMATO. It contains all the relevant information needed for the correct preparation of your manuscript. Please read it carefully.

Criteria for publication. The research problem under study, as well as the research questions or goals should be clearly described. The work must relate to previous results reported in the literature. Theoretical, as well as methodological decisions must be supported in relation to the research problem.


Essays and Special Topics (Ensayos y Temas Especiales)

Before preparing your manuscript, please download the following template PLANTILLA CON EL FORMATO. It contains all the relevant information needed for the correct preparation of your manuscript. Please read it carefully.

Criteria for publication. The problem addressed should be clearly presented. The essay must show its potential value for teacher training or practice.


Teaching Narratives (Relatos de Aula)

Before preparing your manuscript, please download the following template PLANTILLA CON EL FORMATO. It contains all the relevant information needed for the correct preparation of your manuscript. Please read it carefully.

Criteria for publication. The teaching problema addresses must be clearly put in context. An essential element is that teacher’s (author) decisions taken to address the problem should be clearly described and sufficiently supported. Students’ interventions must be included to allow for assessment of the potential of the activities proposed.


Graduate and post graduate thesis abstracts on PER (Resúmenes de Tesis de Grado y Posgrado en Educación en Física)

In order to send the abstract of your thesis, please download the following template PLANTILLA CON EL FORMATO. It contains all the relevant information needed for the correct preparation of your manuscript. Please read it carefully.


Event Reviews and Didactic Material

The different templates can be requested in a personalized way to the following e-mail address:


Citation Standards (Normas de citación)

Revista de Enseñanza de la Física follows APA style for citations and bibliographic references.

Authors must correctly document other authors opinions mentioned in the manuscript, citing the original work. Any citation of 40 words or less should be placed between quotation marks. Ommited words or phrases must be replaced by (…).

Citations within text:

1) to cite a particular reference, Author’s last name and year of publication should be placed in parenthesis, or only year of publication if the author is mentioned in the phrase. Examples:

Previous research has shown correlation between these variables (Gutiérrez, 2013).

Viadero M. (2007) informs a study of over two hundred cases that exhibit this particular correlation.


Reference list (Listado de referencia):


Journal Articles: Last Name, A. A., Last Name, B. B. & Last Name, C. C. (YYYY). Article Title. Journal Name, volume (number), pp. xx-xx.

Books: Last Name(s), A. A. (YEAR). Title. City: Editorial.

Book Chapter: Last Name, A. A. & Last Name, B. B. (YYYY). Chapter title. In Last Name(s), A. A. (Ed.), Book title (pp. xx-xx). City: Editorial.

Thesis: Last Name, A. A. (YYYY). Title. (MSC/PhD thesis). Institution, Location.,


For further information, please refer to APA Standards here