Clarifications and didactic recommendations about the statistical and probabilistic nature of the radioactive decay law




Radioactivity, Radioactive Decay Law, Statistic, Probability, Experimental modelling


The radioactive decay law has a statistical and probabilistic behavior that is often misinterpreted as a fully deterministic phenomenon due to superficial explanations of the process that fail to emphasize its random nature. This article is motivated by the need to clarify the role of probability and statistics in this process, a topic that is usually not given the importance it deserves, and which leads to conceptual doubts and misunderstandings among both students and physics educators. The article’s goal is to provide physics educators working with this phenomenon with a model of the law of radioactive decay through a quantitative, statistic and probabilistic analysis that clarifies commonly misunderstood concepts using a didactic example. The incorporation of a probabilistic and statistics model not only clarifies the true statistical nature of this physical phenomenon but also significantly contributes to the development of students' scientific and mathematical skills, enabling them to engage with and understand this process in greater depth.


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— Updated on 2024-12-12



Essays and Special Topics

How to Cite

Clarifications and didactic recommendations about the statistical and probabilistic nature of the radioactive decay law. (2024). Revista De Enseñanza De La Física, 36(2), 143-160.